Saturday, July 21, 2007

wow i have not blogged for a long time, sorry

He will always guide you, His hand will always lead you to where you supposed to be, He is trustworthy. I had this picture of jesus with his arm wide open and he just waiting for me and for you to fall into his arms. Have you ever done a trust fall with people, while that what jesus wants to do with us.

Life is good,
Classes are done! Woo hoo! I am on my 5 weeks practium, my sponsor teacher ask me if i want a part time job after the third day and i may take it, we will see happens after 5 weeks. I applied for another job that is closer to my house and the lady just got my resume on thursday night so still waiting for her to responsed to me. I am growing in the lord which is always exciting. I am the new powerpoint girl at knee drill which has been great. I am resting his promise, Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desire of your heart.