Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy new years

Jesus i pray a new revelation of your love for the peoples that read my blog, i pray that they would accept the love that you only can give. I pray that jesus would show you something new in him this next year. I pray that for good health and this year would be a year of the favour of the lord on you. i also pray that more lifes would be saved for your glory lord and that we would see things in the physical on what you are doing in the spirtually. Give us the eyes to see and ears to listen what you are saying. thanks you for all the blessings you have giving to me and to 614 and the people that read my blog, jesus i am asking for to see more signs and wonders in 2006 and i want to see more people being saved and sanified and disciplined in 2006 and more authenic& real friendship build here in vancouver. i pray that you would bless each person that read this blog abuntably in this next year and years to come. Amen

Friday, December 30, 2005

focus the unseen and not the things that you can see

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Jesus has been speaking to me about focus and fixing my eyes on him lately and he reshow me this verse because i remember last year this verse help me a lot to keep my focus on him.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I got my ears peirced today, it was fun :D

Monday, December 26, 2005

update on my uncle

last year my uncle was having some problems with his liver, it wasn't because he was drinking, he found out he had a disease when he was little that cause him to have issues with his liver and if he did not get a new liver he would of die. so on the 23th about 12 we got a phone call that him and his wife will be going on the first ferry the next morning to vancouver to go to the vancouver general hospital because there is a liver for him. It is a miracle he got a liver, hallejuah. on christmas morning we got a phone call in the middle of the night that he had to go and have surgery again because there was internal bleeding and he couldn't produced urine and got another phone call about nine on christmas morning from our grandmas, saying he was fine and was producing urine now which is a great sign, the liver transplant went well so praise the lord.

Friday, December 23, 2005

A honest heart

God always speaks the truth, when he made a covenent, he keep it, when he made a statement, he meant it, and when he proclaim the truth, we can believe it what he say is true

why does god demand a such a honesty but rather why do we tolerate dishonesty?
1)we don't like the truth
2) we don't trust the truth

The cure for deceit: tell the truth,the the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Are we completely honest with all our relationships? are we being completely honesty in our crops? ask these question to yourself: Am i am trustworthy person, a reliable witness at the place where god put you for a reason.

The ripple of today's lies is tommorrow's waves and next year flood,start today,Be just like Jesus and tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Just like Jesus book continued :D

Jesus had a focused heart and he wants us to have the same heart, How is focus is your life? Ask yourself these four questions to see if your life is on track with god's plan:
Am I fitting into god's plan?
What are my longing?
What are my abilities?
Am i serving God now?

God allow us to have a fresh start at any point of our lifes. In 1 peter 4:2 it said:
As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. It never too late to get your life on track and be a part of god's wonderful plan he has for you :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Phil&I crazy adventure in Gibsons

This adventure started at 9:30 when me and Phil met in the front of the Shalon hotel. We walk up to Granville and wait for a couple of minutes for the bus that will take us to the destination of the ferry terminal to get to Gibsons. We got to the ferry terminal, got our tickets and waited in the waiting room for a few mins and got on the ferry, read the newspapers and just wait until the ferry got to the Langale terminal. Got a voicemail from my mom and she said she is on her way but will be a few mins. She got there finally and we went up to sechelt for a political luncheon but it was more a snack than a lunch. There was a beach outside the restaurant and it reminded phil's as home and the luncheon was boring so we check out the beach, it was nice. We went to my favorite restaurant, cafe amigo for some Mexican food which was good, then we met up with my mom and we went to the Lind house to check it out and gave Gwen an angel and she put in the perfect spot and just chill out there for a bit, relaxing and checking out the Christmas decorations, it was so gorgeous, how I love that place :) went back to gibsons and got my dog and we went to my elementary school and I showed him which classrooms I went to, it was fun. We got back to my house and we were on time because my mom need to pick up some people for the dinner so she was going to take us early to save a place which we were fine with, my mom received a phone call from our aunt and it was one of the phone call that you had to take so we got drop off at the place where the shuttle bus was supposed to pick people up but we got there late so the bus was gone already but my parents had to go and pick up people so they told us to get out and wait for the bus that wasn't coming for 45 mins until my dad and my sister came and got us. Finally got to the dinner was good of course, it always is, sang some Christmas carols and got presents which is always fun. We dropped off Phil at my mom friend's place and I felt horribly to do that to him but it was out of my control so meh. Went home and went to bed, got up this morning, went and pick Phil up to take him out to breakfast with my mom which was great, took him to the sunshine coast community church to allow him to see it and took him to the ferry and waited with him until he got on the ferry. It was crazy but fun but it was definality not the way I vision it but meh what can you do?
posse out


Are you living a lukewarm spirtual life and wants to spice things up, come to vancouver and live among the people that need the love of christ and the hope he has the most. I know it is hardcore but it worth it in the end, you will never be the same again, Go to and apply for the next session, you will not regret it :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005


so woke up today and went to the bank, went up to metrotown to meet up with my sister to go and do some christmas shopping. We looked for something for my brother and we got it like in 5 mins, it was great. Then we looking into something for my mom and we thought it was going to be really expensitive but it wasn't so we are going tommorrow so that is cool. we took pictures in one of those photo booth and it was really fun, went into a christmas tree with special lights just to look at the trees. went and looking for something for my dad, we found the perfect gift for him and at one of the store this guy was rude so we went and returned almost everything we bought from that store and my sister told the guy off in a polite manner how rude he was to her. It was a lovely day :)
How was your day?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

only a few more days until i go home for christmas, i am looking forwarding spent some time with my family and caught up with old friends.
things i looking forwarding to;
Egg Nog lots of it :)
seeing my best friend,erin
quality time with my sister and my rest of my family
phil is coming with me for a few days and i am excited to spend some time with him :)
christmas dinner :)
hopefully snow :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Merry christmas and happy new years

May god bless you this holiday season and may he show you the real meaning of christmas is. may you receive the love of Jesus this season.
Merry christmas and have a great new year :)

Saturday, December 10, 2005

His love endures forever

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever.

2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.

3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.

4 to him who alone does great wonders,
His love endures forever.


Friday, December 09, 2005

just finished off my shift on the kettles, it was pretty fun. last night we got kick out of the tinseltown mall for running while we were playing cops and robbers. good times good times. good idea nicole about playing cop and robbers in the mall :)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

psalm 29

Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of his [a] holiness.

3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders,
the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.

4 The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic.

5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.

6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,
Sirion [b] like a young wild ox.

7 The voice of the LORD strikes
with flashes of lightning.

8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert;
the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh.

9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks [c]
and strips the forests bare.
And in his temple all cry, "Glory!"

10 The LORD sits [d] enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.

11 The LORD gives strength to his people;
the LORD blesses his people with peace.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

classial christmas story of the Barnum household

A classic Christmas in the Barnum’s house

I count down to the days until Sam and Dan come home. It seems like only yesterday I was counting down the years until they were out of the house and my torment would end. Maybe it was only yesterday… Time is a curious thing . They arrive and the family leaves to pick out a tree. Sure it’s last minute, it being the eve of Christmas but a little on the late side is just how our family does things. Beside it just wouldn’t feel right if we didn’t all do together. Of course, by this time all the good trees are gone. We bicker about how we should of gone looking earlier but well, the bickering is all part of Christmas too. We argue about which tree of the few left is the least ugly and should have the honor of coming home with us. If mom get her way, and we know mom always get her way, we’ll end up taking home the ugliest tree in the lot. We pay for it, put it on the roof and are on our way. The males lug our little tree up the stairs and we begin to set it up. Well that is what we would do if we could find a tree stand. Where did we put that tree stand? After much rifling about we find it, but of course the bolts that hold the tree in place is missing. You would think after all the years we would get some new ones but we never do seem to learn. Everyone tries to recall how we had overcome this problem last year . Pennies maybe, did pennies work? Or was it bottle caps? I think bottle cap was it. Dan take one for the team and guzzles some beers so we can use the caps. It works. I hold the tree while the try to get it perfectly straight. I hardly see the point. It ‘s not as if the cat isn’t going to knock it over anyways. When impatience and frustration finally take over and the stupid tree is as straight as it’s going to get we start to decorate. First I fill it with water. Nobody else seem to care about the welfare of our poor Christmas tree. Sam, that brave brave boy , is in charge of the lights . It never seems to matter how neatly we put them away the previous year they still seem to find a way to tangle themselves again. He work diligently until they are untangled then begins the daunting task of making them work. He, like Dan, is our hero for making this sacrifice. Although our hero is heard screaming some less than saintly term at the top of his lungs at the lights, who don’t seem to take his treats very seriously because it’s another hour before they decide to light up. He has been to electrocute himself once or twice in his attempts before he manages to get them all working. Although, truth be told, I think he kind of enjoys that. So with the lights finally up we start to throw the ornaments on the tree. Yes, throw not put. Placing them doesn’t seem as much fun. Is it just me or do we seem to have fewer ornaments than last year? We have to actually put some heavy ones on the branches above the gaps to make an attempt at camouflaging them. It doesn’t really work. Its not all disorderly. We have our themes. Last year was gold, the year before that was umm well gold too. I can’t remember what the year before that was but I’m guess it was something truly spectacular and original. Mom has not been in the room all this time. I think the chaos is a little too much for her. She always returns at the end though to tell us what a beautiful job we’ve done (such a convincing liar my mother is). She also has the oh so important job of hanging the angel on top. We all stand around to marvel at the wondrous thing that is our tree, even though the skinny thing looks like it might fall over from the weight of all the heavy ornaments. It’s our tree though so we stand in awe of its beauty for a moment. Not long though. Its only a second before we can’t stand to hear the musical Christmas tree lights play its irritating tunes any longer and we all wander off to do our own thing.
Nothing eventful happens until the next evening when mom and dad take it upon themselves to drag us to church. They use every line in the book to guilt us into submission. Eventually we concede begrudgingly. We arrive and they give us all candles to light later. We’re a step ahead of them though because Dan has a lighter. We, being such rebels, light ours up and agree to blow them out on the count of three. 1... We look around to realize all our candles are already out. We try again. 2...3... They are all out again. We laugh at our inability, give up, and sit down. The time comes to light the candles. Rebekah tips the lighted one getting wax on the floor (shhh). We all stand and sing Christmas carols. Sam shouts out the lyrics to the songs as loudly and inaccurately as possible; noAL noAL. I nearly die of embarrassment. I’ll have to remember next time to make sure I don’t sit by him. After what seems like hours it’s over and we return home. I get home and relax. This doesn’t last long before I hear yelling and rush to the kitchen to find out the cause. I see Rebekah lying on the floor pounding her fists on the ground and hear her screaming “I want a drum! That’s all I wanted and you couldn’t even get it for me!” I see Sam and Dan laughing. I think they are insensitive until I realize that mom did in fact get Rebekah drums and join in the laughter. After a good half hour of Rebekah’s screaming we agree to let her open one present; the drums. She opens them and is ecstatic… until she remembers her screaming and becomes a little on the embarrassed side, silly Rebekah. After these antic the males (and Bek too) turn on yulin with the page. I try to enjoy it but well sports aren’t my cup of tea so I wander off to bed and eagerly await the presents to be unwrapped the next day. As I pass the kitchen I have to avert my eyes. Mother is frantically wrapping the presents. Well the ones that she actually remembered where she had hidden them. The rest will be left until next June when she finds them then puts them back in the cupboard in hopes that she will find them again next Christmas. When will that lady learn?
The next morning we awake to open our presents. Everyone is pleased with what they get. Well ok is less than pleased with the leather jacket but who can blame the guy? Sam and Dan got us silly string. Oh the havoc that ensues. Sam with his cleverness saves the last bit till no one had any left and ambushes us all. He’s a crafty one that Sam. We spend the rest of the day just relaxing and enjoying a Christmas video or special; The grinch that stole Christmas “BUT WHAT WILL I WEAR?!?” or maybe a Christmas story. “Ra ra ra ra ra’ If I have my way we play a game of monopoly but well I never get my way. Its probably best though since we’ve yet to play a game that didn’t end in a screaming match. I can say, without any bias, that its ALWAYS all Sam’s fault because h is a big cheater head! Finally the time comes when mom has completed dinner. Usually about 8 o’clock but hey like I said a little on the late side is just how we do things. Mom’s annual temper tantrum is all part of the holidays too. I would have thought she would calm down eventually, after all things always work out in the end and food is always good. Dad says a prayer and by the time he is finished we are all starving. We all dig into the spread of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing (you can’t have Christmas without a whole lot of stuffing). We all prefer the brown meat (except one outcast who will remain nameless) so you got to be fast if you want some. If your not you can always steal Dan’s. He’s easily duped. Another classical the table is the egg nog. Each member must receive their fair share or a riot WILL break out. There are even disputes even when it is measured to the ml. In the end someone always ends up with more. We all know who that someone is. Don’t we?? Its all worth it though. Eggnog just wouldn’t taste as good if you didn’t have to fight for it.
When everything is over we all go off to bed and are glad that we had this time together. Who knows what our lives hold for us and how many more Christmas’s we will have together. Heck Dan will probably be off on some crazy adventure in who knows where by the next one. But when we are old and gray (in mom and dad’s case older and grayer ahahaha) we can always look back at those classic Barnum Christmas’s and laugh. I hope you guys liked my little story and had yet another very Merry Christmas!!! I love you all!!

Just recently i found out one of my brother wouldn't be coming home for christmas which make me a bit sad but christmas would still be good.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Love never fails :)

Saturday, December 03, 2005


on thursday afternoon some friends of mine and I were off to starbuck and this guy ask if we had any hot chocolate today and i was no but i do have Jesus today, do you want him, totally out of nowhere, this guy said, Yes i do want Jesus. His name is tony and i pray with him and talk more with him abit longer and then we were off on our separate ways. It was sweet!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

simple song yet powerful words

Father i adore you
I lay my life before you
how i love you

Jesus i adore you
i lay my life before you
how i love you

Three in one i adore you
i lay my life before you
how i love you.