Sunday, April 10, 2005

journey to freedom

i was in the war room a few days ago and i wrote this poem

As i am sitting in your presence
i think how i found your freedom
i was sad and depressed, where were you?
you were there sitting next to me holding me in your arms
hearing my tears and writing them in your book
i was scared and alone, where were you?
you sent me a friend to comfort me and you were there as well
As i look to the cross, seeing you taking all my guilt and shame so i can be free
you were crushed and beaten so i can be healed
thank you for taking my pain, angry and voilence
and setting me free
so i can see the whole earth be filled with your glory


Victory of the People said...

Thats beautiful Becks

- Servant of God - said...

Encouraging and Inspiring!!!
Keep writting!!!

Rebekah Dooley said...

aww thanks you guys :D