Saturday, July 16, 2005

god encounter on outreach at extreme prophetic

on an outreach opportority through the extreme prophetic conference, there was a foot washing station which i feeling stonger lead to do so i went and got blessed washing this guy feet and doing back rubbing and getting one myself from experienced massage guy and he taught me about pressing points on the back and in the neck. anyway there is a guy name frank that came to vancouver for BTI(mini war college) felt led to go up to this one girl and he called ne over and me and him pray over this girl and her name was heather and i saw some many things in the spirit about like a lot of pain and i could feel it and it broke my heart and she start to open a bit more and told us that she has no idea where her mother is and her dad just left her a few months ago and i was getting to offer her a place to stay and she accepted and she is sleeping now. it was big blessing to help someone that show them that someone cares and love them.hallejuah! pray that she stay in this community and receive some healing and love in her love through this community, she is not saved but she believe that jesus love her.

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