Friday, August 19, 2005

Jesus:the tranformer

If I could sum up this whole year in one word it would be transformation, Jesus took a girl that had no confidence, boldness and had no idea who she was in christ and transform me into a girl that knows who she is in christ, more confident and boldness. A girl that knows the lies that were spoke over her in the past are cutting off and is feeling the freedom that come from that. A girl that couldn't hear the spirit voice to seeing new things in the spirit to seeing visions and speaking those things over other people lives. A Girl that know the gifts that the lord has give her and using them for his Glory. Be real is better and having walls and not allowing people in and honesty is better because with honesty brings freedom and freedom brings Joy. I will never be the same after this year.

1 comment:

Victory of the People said...

I have been blessed reading this poast becks!!!!!!