Monday, January 23, 2006


i tend to be hard on myself and thing about the negative things about my life instead of the postive things. i am choosing to walk in the opposite spirit right now and list the postive things in my life.

My parents giving me the opportunity to come to vancouver and paying for me to go to the war college

Have parents that love me and care what happened to me.

I have friends that love me for me.

Awesome memories with the martyr session

Getting the opporunity to go to europe and see Esther in May for 5 weeks

Be surrounded by a community.

Awesome memories with Heather, Rob and the gillinghams

Jesus loves me

His promises can't be shaken

His word is true and alone he is worthy for my worship


starting to build deep friendships with the holy session

Jesus is the hope and the real joy gifter

Using my gifts really make me happy and it bring glory to the king of kings

I need prayer right now. I am feeling a bit depressed, confused,angry at myself and other people,feeling like i have wasted the last 3 months as phase 2, like a paper weight in this community , not seeing a lot of growth in me, not seeing myself as a leader and just wanting to leave but knowing that would just be running away and that is not like me and that not what jesus want me to do, strugging with focus,unbelief and just my relationship with jesus in general right now encouragement would be lovely as well. Thanks


bec said...

Hey Rebekah, this is the Aussie one. Read this, thinking of and praying for you mate. You are a daughter of the King, a child who shines out His radiance. You can see it in you. Be who He has called you to be. That's it. He loves you just as you are.

bec said...

Hey, me again. Just went back and read some of your blogs and it was good to get to know you a bit more in them. And I have done this before and somehow it works, but I really want to pray for you:

Jesus, be with my friend, Rebekah. Lord I thank you for her heart, I thank you for her gentle and willing spirit. Lord I thank you that you have called her and chosen her and accepted her. Father be with her now. In your great arms of love, hold her. Speak to her heart in the words that she knows are from you, only for her. Let her hear the mysteries of your love for her. Let her find her joy in you alone and know that you will always be enough - your grace is sufficient for her. Be near her I pray. Lord, let her know that you are near. I pray this is the power of Your might because you will always give us the good things that we ask for. So thank you! Amen.

Rebekah Dooley said...

Amen :D