Monday, June 05, 2006

verse of the day

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. ”- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

so here is some encouragement for the people that i know that read my blog:

Heather, You are a precious gem to the father,picture of what the slogan of the salvation army is hand to man, heart to god.

Rob, You are truly gifted and using the word of your testimony and the overcoming by the blood of the lamb to bring glory to the kings of kings and walking out your freedom and bring freedom to other people.

Steve, I look up to you a lot, You are a great leader and your pursuit of holiness spur me on to do the same. You are the grace man. thanks you for all the grace you have pour out on me in last 1 year and half

Bec: You are awesome, Your heart and time that you invested into crossculture is amazing, if people don't see all what you do, Jesus does and he is smiling down on you and saying i am proud of you and you are my precious daughter.

nicole: You have grow up so much in the lord,it been an exciting and amazing to see what the lord has done in you and what he is doing in you and what things in the future on what he is going to do.

Andrew: Your geniune love for others and your passion are an inpiration to me and spur me.

Bee: You are a beautiful flower blooming in the lord. Your desire to be more intimate is beautiful and he grant our heart's desires, rest in that promise :D

linsey: I love you and you are a fun roommate, Your faith and passion are beautiful to see and the lord is proud of all you do and Jesus and all his angels are giving you two thumb ups.

Whoever else read my blog, I love you and You are all precious and in the father's hands and his love edures forever. He is always with you and desire a deeper relationship with you. never be sacrifed on where you are with jesus, always go deeper.

Be blessed my friends

1 comment:

Victory of the People said...


i too shall encourage you...why not return the favor eh!

RB, you are mint. i love your never-give-up attitude! i think its great the way you are always running towards Jesus. i admire your intamacy with Christ, and desire the same.

be blessed my friend be blessed.