Saturday, July 22, 2006

First Picture: My dad's friend gave us this coasters with Italia 10 and a small football and of course our family play a game with them, it was girl vs guys, it was a tie and we had to go and see the miltary church and went shopping. deb's coaster got smashed and my dad is like what what did i do. it was fun and funny

Second Picture: Family photo in front of the roman colesum.

Third Picture: A better picture of the family and my dad's friend in front of the prague castle.


Kapten Clark said...

Hey, this is Chris Clark's mom in Estonia! We have 4 weeks of furlough coming in Sept. Talk to him about what you liked in Europe and maybe we'll go visit there!


YouthPastorChic said...

Hey Rebecca! Long time no chat! I hope everything's going good for ya. Let me know how things are and what you're up to now. Looks like you've been travelling. Awesome pictures!

YouthPastorChic said...

yeah and I'm a dork for spelling your name wrong... sorry!!