Monday, November 12, 2007

i love my family :)

I went to Parkville for Remembrance Day weekend to see my uncles, aunts and my grandparents, it been like 5 years since the last time i saw it. It was lovely, I saw all my uncles which is rarely because most of time they are either busy or not in town. My grandad wasn't able to go to the remembrance day service because the weather was bad and he get quite emotional because his brother is on the honour roll on the momunemt where the service tooked placed. He was in the WW2 and my uncle that i saw the grave when i was in italy was also there, so remembrance day is not just another day for me and my family, it is personal. me, my uncles and my brother and dad got into a car and went down to paid tribute to the barnum that dies for our country. I got to see my cousin burke play 2 of his hockey tournment games and was honoured to see his first goal of the season and today saw him for the first time, he is 14 now, the last time i saw him was when he was really young. It was a lovely time to reconnect with family that i have not seen for a long time.

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