Friday, November 17, 2006

Word of the day: Release

Arrived at home and i receive a package from Heather, I open it and it was a picture of hands and flowers flowing in the area with a word release. Not sure yet what it is means but totally going to pray into it. Heather, Thanks you! I love you a lot! It made me feel really special, that you painted a picture for me. I also Got an email from my old corp officer and how she came across my blog after awhile and how she was encouraged by what i was doing for the lord and that they were proud of me and they were thinking about me and praying for me! That was awesome.
Earlier this week, a girl in my class, I believe you are smarter than the other people in our class which was exciting because i was praying the lord would help me this and he has! The random encouragements are the best i think :D

1 comment:

sixonefour said...

Hey...I'm glad that it encouraged you. Sometimes even just getting mail is nice.
It's the first picture I ever painted with hands in it. So it was very special to me. I was so proud of myself! I'm not a draw-er, but it felt nice to express myself creatively.
God bless you,
Keep faith,