Saturday, February 17, 2007

Feb update

February has been a pretty good month for me. I realized that my trigger of my insomnia is stressing over my schooling because i really want to do well in this course and i am too hard on myself when i am not. Me and Shane step back for a brief time when we realized that we were both miserable and we both could not hear the voice of the lord so we got back together and the blessing and the favour of the lord returned for the both of us. Shane met my dad, my two brothers and it went well, then he met my sister and my mom so now he has met all my family. he proposed to me and i agree but after a brief time we both felt the timing was off and went back to courtship and it been great. It is a blessing for me to have him in my life. We also both realized that we both spend too much time together so we stepped back and this past week we almost did not see each other at all so we have to make a happy medium and where the idea of date nights came in. Monday and Friday night we are going to hang out intentionally one on one. we had our first one and it was really good, it was a lot of fun. I finished my phase 2 and decided not to continued on with phase 3 because i just want to finished phase 2 because i started it and this year was set aside for ECE. School is going well, stressful at times but i enjoy it and my classmates and my teachers. if any of you have tips for stress relievers let me know please. i got the chance to spend some time with Doug when he was in town and it was rich and blessing time as always when he comes. i got a new cell phone and if you want to have the number, email me. hmm that is all i can think about writing right now. Blessing and grace

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