Saturday, August 25, 2007

the cross

Lately the pictures that the lord is showing me is all about the cross. The fuel of our being is from the power of the cross. I am the person i am today because of the cross. so much grace, forgiveness,mercy, passion and the greatest of this is true love. No greater love is this is that would lay down his life for a friend. what a mighty friend we have in Jesus. I just being thinking why is that we just remember about the cross just at easter, should we being remember it always. he died for us so we could live, hallejuah! He is called us to die to our flesh and pick up our crosses and follow him with the life he is the only one that give us life so we could give it back to him for his purpose and his glory. He has started a good work in all of us, He wants fullness for his people. i remember in my high school yearbook one of my goal in life is to live life to the fullest and quoting mattrew champ, life is too short to be miserable. He did not just died for you and me, he died for the pimp, johns, the doctors that do abortions, gays and prostitutes. Hallejuah.
Lord i am sorry for complaining about my life this days, You have provide me with learning opportunies, if though it been hard sometimes, the perservence and endurance is building character and nothing to compare to the perservence and endurance you need to endure on the journey of the cross for me and the rest of the human race, thanks you for the cross and how
much power is the sacrifice you did for us.

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