Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hallejuah Jesus is awesome :)

Well i did my 5 weeks practium at montessional school, it was ok, i really did not want to stay for my 500 hours but i had no other opinions so i agree to stay. so right now they are getting 8 hours of work out of me for 10 dollars a hours but only paying me 4 hours. The envirnment is not the best to be working in specially for what i am making but anyway i been talking with another lady for the last two months and i haven't heard anything from her for a while but curious if the position was filled or not, it has not. she emailed me back and said it is still open, are you still interested and i say so we been talking for the last two weeks and i had interview today and i got the position. I am so excited, it is a brandnew centre, it is closer to my house and the person value the same things i do and i will be pay more hours and my hours will increase after i am licensed ECE Teacher. Praise the lord! He is a great dad and the amazing provider.

1 comment:

Victory of the People said...

wow, im really happy for you