Tuesday, December 21, 2004

old blog

I do not want another ecclesiastical corp cumbering the earth. When The Salvation Army ceases to be a militant body of red hot men and women whose supreme business is the saving of souls, I hope it will vanish utterly." -William Booth"

What is a Salvation Army Corps? - To this I reply it is a band of people united together to attack and Christianise an entire town or neighbourhood. When an officer recieves an appointment from headquarters, it is not contemplated that he shall deal merely with those who are already enrolled in our ranks, or with those who may be induced to come inside them; but it is intended that he shall be an apostle of the gospel to all those who live around. When you reach a station assigned to you, if it has not been done already, you should take your stand in that hall, or theatre, or tent, and draw a line around the breadth of population you can hope to reach, and make that your parish, and aim, with tears and prayers, and the trumpet blast of truth, and the power of the Holy Ghost, to convert and sanctify and enlist and disciple every soul within it." - William Boothwhat are your thoughts about this quote?do you think the founder of the salvation army is happy at where a lot of the salvation army corps are this days, i am guessing probably not, if not then how can we change them for the better?Email me at fuzzypeaches31@hotmail.com for feedback.

Saturday, December 11, 2004
hmm i was out with my good friend, Esther and we had two divine appointments to minstries to people. one of the lady that was giving out cards to the resturant Michael and she ask us to pray for her friend Jordan's mother cause she had cancer so we did and on the way back a lady was having problems going up a hill with her wheelchair so we went over and help her up the hill. It was a reminder this is a lifestyle not just when we do street combat/recrea8 or open airs. let us be more like what jesus did in the book of the mark : whereever he went, he did his minstry.

Friday, December 10, 2004
so in the last two days, we are expericing god's presence in a new way. At Knee Drill( our weekly worship and prayer time) We are overcomers, we will overcome the world for Jesus Hallejuah Danielle felt there was a dreams or something that we gave up on so we got into groups and pray that we will be overcomers in this areas of our lifes and walls were broken down. then got into group and pray for our cells that we will not stand anymore seeing people hurting on the streets and that we will rise up to start to bring people to our cells to multiply them. when we were praying, i just started to go into a prayer fireball, it was different expericence for me and it was very sweet! more lord more. Our group joined another group and that group joined another until everyone was in a large group, everyone was laid down close together to show that in our cells, our lives are connected to each other. It was awesome.
this morning, praying the bible, we pray the shouting prayers and it was very fun. In Class, we were talking about prayer and taking every thought captive, on our short break, josh was stating he was having a big headache so a bunch of people start to pray and it wouldn't go away, so some people stay to pray and some people went into the other room to listening to Ian's teaching but we came up with something to do for josh and we went into the other room and we did and josh got healed and it was cool moment :)

Monday, December 06, 2004
hey all,
i just returned from kamloops and i am very happy to be back to the downtown eastside. the bus on thursday night was supposed to be in kamloop at 7:15 but we didn't get in until 9pm because there was no power steering. we got to the hostel and it was a different experience. went shopping and spent too much money which was not good. the wedding was lovely and i am glad i went to it.

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