Friday, April 14, 2006

Some qoutes from our forefather and foremothers of the salvation army

Holiness is nothing more than a pure heart filled with perfect love Samuel Brengle

Sanctification includes the purifying of the heart and enpowering of the soul through the annointing of the holy spirit. Samuel Logan brengle

"Holiness is a state which there is no anger, malice, blasphemy,hypocrisy, envy, love of ease, selfish desire for good opinion of men, shame of the cross , worldliness, deceit, debate, contention, covertousness, nor any evil desire or tendency in the heart" Samuel Logan Brengle

Have you the assurance that the ruling passion of your life is the sam as that which brought christ to the manger, led him to the foul fiend hell in the wilderness. bore him onward on the back of fear amd suffering, and groaning and shame, drinking the Cup of Angiush and the Baptism of Blood, bore him in triumph to open the gate of the Kingdom? Is this what you are living for? William Booth

The spirit of love make every unconverted sinner within your reach so miserable that they will have to be converted or run away. Catherine Booth

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Amen! Thanks for these quotes sister. Inspiring stuff!
