Wednesday, January 10, 2007

summitting to authority is some time hard but important to do it

Lord, You are strong when i am weak, You are the one that heal the brokehearted. Lord i don't know what you are doing but my eyes are on you. Lord open my eyes to the things i can't not see. Lord You are my helper. I will choose bless your name when my life is good and when my life sore of stinks. i just feeling sad about all this right now but i know it would be good and worth it all in the end. i just don't see it in its fullness yet.

I got a word on new year eve for shane that this year will be a year of growth and well apparently it was confirmated by our wonderful leadership so after me and shane pray and talk about it, we decide it would be the best if we hold off our relationship until fullness of growth happens in shane's life. We are still friends and wait on the lord on when to return to each other to pick up where we left in our relationship.

Lord I trust in you! I believe in what you are doing in me and in shane's life. I believe that you want to teach me something through all this and i accept your teachings.

Blessing to you all
Rebekah :)

1 comment:

Denise said...

May the Lord bless you in the decision, RB!! Way to be strong and of good courage.

Love you.