Saturday, December 17, 2005


so woke up today and went to the bank, went up to metrotown to meet up with my sister to go and do some christmas shopping. We looked for something for my brother and we got it like in 5 mins, it was great. Then we looking into something for my mom and we thought it was going to be really expensitive but it wasn't so we are going tommorrow so that is cool. we took pictures in one of those photo booth and it was really fun, went into a christmas tree with special lights just to look at the trees. went and looking for something for my dad, we found the perfect gift for him and at one of the store this guy was rude so we went and returned almost everything we bought from that store and my sister told the guy off in a polite manner how rude he was to her. It was a lovely day :)
How was your day?

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