Monday, December 26, 2005

update on my uncle

last year my uncle was having some problems with his liver, it wasn't because he was drinking, he found out he had a disease when he was little that cause him to have issues with his liver and if he did not get a new liver he would of die. so on the 23th about 12 we got a phone call that him and his wife will be going on the first ferry the next morning to vancouver to go to the vancouver general hospital because there is a liver for him. It is a miracle he got a liver, hallejuah. on christmas morning we got a phone call in the middle of the night that he had to go and have surgery again because there was internal bleeding and he couldn't produced urine and got another phone call about nine on christmas morning from our grandmas, saying he was fine and was producing urine now which is a great sign, the liver transplant went well so praise the lord.

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