Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So I am off to Europe on June 13 on a 8:35 pm How: my dad was going to take my brother as a grad gift from UBC and then it was going to be my dad and my two brother and then my sister was that is not fair I want to go and then my dad thought it wouldn't be fair if my sister go and not me so he offered to take me as well. So my sister, myself. My dad and my brother are off to Europe. We will be going to England, Holland, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic. It is a huge blessing and I am really looking forward to it. I am going to try and relocated a street sign for Ashley in Italy. I am not sure how much I will be able to blog when I am over there but i will try my hardest to let people know what is going on. I also get to see esther which i am super excited.


Aurora said...

That's awesome that you'll get to spend some time with your family. Are you going to see Esther while you're there?

Rebekah Dooley said...

Yes I will be see esther when i am in germany.

sixonefour said...

Yeah!! You're hooking up with Esther?! Rob is gonna flip out when he hears that. He wants to go and visit her too!