Sunday, August 20, 2006

last few days

Thursday: Work 10.5 hours, went to knee drill for the last 30 mins, it was good. went and did recre8 for jacynta. just feeling really unappericated at work and just need to be encouraged

Friday: Work 10.5 hours again, got $25 from tip money than i lost it, it fell out of my pocket, went to recre8 and chill out there. Lost my cell phone. Went to the all night of prayer, that was great, i miss the first one. I was really got blessed and encouraged which i need. We did listening prayer and one of thing that stood to me:
mattrew 18:4 therefore,whoever humble himself like this child is the greatest of the kingdom of god and Roro really felt like i was a picture of that scripture. it was really cool. i am valued and i am important part of this body which i know but it is alway good to be reminded of that. friday is a long day but a good day and an answer of prayer of be encouraged.

saturday: slept for 3 hours until 10, went to a house meeting for 2 hours, went back to sleep for a few hours. Red Robin with ashley,juan,steve from recre8 and kathleen. good times good times. went to steve court to watch a movie of the doctrines, the general brown does have the best voice in the salvation army :D It was good and a trip to denny which steve court came along for the first time and he preach in denny, it was powerful stuff. steve confirmed that word that roro said to me the night before so was awesome. It is a good night

Sunday: slept until 10, went to Harbour light corp for the first time, anthony preached a good message of sermon of the mount, praise the lord and holiness. there was powerful testimonies of the lord cleanse their sin of all unrighteouness and make them more holy. Hallejuah, i was happy that i went. just chilling out and blogging and writing my essay for school and writing emails. Mattrew champ is beautiful.

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